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Viewing 15 posts - 856 through 870 (of 980 total)
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  • in reply to: 2 fit belgians Looking for Fruit picking in WA from March #9559
    Patricio Echagüe

    Hi there,

    My name is Patricio, I’m from Argentina. I was wondering if you had any luck finding finding work in WA (?). I’m arriving at Perth today! If there’s anything available where you are, would you be kind enough to let me know? Thanks

    in reply to: Looking for Work #9571
    Sarah Gummersheimer

    Hello, my name is Sarah, i’m a very open minded, friendly and vibrant 27 years old german girl.
    I’m traveling around Australia for half a year and i will arrive Coffs Harbour on Friday!
    Have anybody some informations for fruit picking or other farm work around there?
    This is one of the things at my to do list in my work and travel adventure and of course i run out of money a bit and i want to enjoy my trip along the East Coast!
    So if you know something, please let me know! :)
    Cheers Sarah

    in reply to: Farm/ Fruitpicking Job near Coffs Harbour/ Bayron Bay #9588
    rachel allison

    Hey Sarah,

    i have woofing job available i just need someone to drive!


    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9589
    Jordan Nuttall

    Hi there, I am currently in Perth looking to head over east. As soon as possible its driving me crazy over here…I am thinking of heading to the Adelaide hills to stay in a working hostel. I believe there to be harvest work all year round from what i have read. Not saying it will be as easy as that but im sure if we put our self out there something will pay of. I am more than open to heading to Queensland after, as you probably know there are heaps of jobs over there at the moment. Do you drive? I don’t unfortunately but there is always ways around that! My name is Jordan i am 22, from england and really wanna get on the road and have an amazing time, I find travelling with a buddy is much easier. Through the good and the bad! Let me know of your more up to date plans

    Cheers Jordan

    in reply to: Find a Picking Buddy #9590
    Jordan Nuttall

    Hi i’m Jordan 22 yr old male from England!
    I am currently in Perth picking my brains out. it is such a bore! I am thinking of either going overland on the train which i think would be an amazing experience, or the cheaper way catch a flight i want to head to the Adelaide Hills to pick up some harvest work..If anyone is planning a roadtrip or wanting to head over that way let me know id love the company along the way, then who knows what may come of it. Ready to make a move and see more of oz!
    Also if anyone has any ideas, advice on where to pick up harvest work at the moment let me know

    Cheers Jordan

    in reply to: Currently in Perth #9645
    Rachel Berthiaume

    HI Jordan,
    Where about’s are you doing your picking work in Perth – I am looking for some in this area at the moment.

    in reply to: Looking for Work #9646
    Rachel Berthiaume

    I am in Perth for a few months and wondering if anyone knows of any fruit picking work in the Swan Valley or areas surrounding Perth.


    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9648

    Hi Sheree my name’s Gemma, i’m 29 and from England. My year visa runs out at the end of August so am looking to do farmwork to gain my 2nd year.
    I can’t join a farm until the 19th May though as i have things booked and planned in Sydney for my birthday just before then. Are you definitely going at the end of April? Would be good to go with someone! Have you got a farmjob yet?


    in reply to: Looking for Work #9656
    Floor Oudman

    Hi everyone,

    I’m Flora, a dutch girl. I’m traveling at the moment in Australia. I already worked for 6 months in Perth. I’m looking at the moment for a job around Brisbane. I’ll be available from the beginning of june/half june, till the end of September. I’m very flexible, non-smoker and i have a drivers license.
    Does anyone have experiences wit jobs up here? Or has work available?


    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9675
    Laura Rosambeau

    Hi Gemma my name is laura I’m 24 from the UK, I’m currently living in Sydney but am looking to go do my farming work from now, I don’t have anyone to go with at the moment either! Have you started looking for farms?


    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9681

    Hi Laura i tried replying to your e-mail but it failed. Could you send me your e-mail address so i can reply to that instead please?



    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9682
    Laura Rosambeau

    Email address is

    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9683
    Laura Rosambeau

    You can add me on Facebook as well if you want to

    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9705
    Jules Savoure

    Hi Guys

    I’m a 25yr old English guy planning on heading out of Sydney in a week or two (mid May) to try and get my farm work and also see more of Australia. It would be cool to meet up with people to try and find work together. My email is if you want to contact.


    in reply to: Anyone fancy fruit picking at the end of March? #9712
    Matthew Doyle

    Hey guys

    My name is Matthew. I’m 26 and from Ireland. I’m back in Sydney now for the last 2 weeks after been in Griffith, NSW for the last 2 months doing my regional work. I could only get 42 days signed off there so I’m now looking for somewhere to complete the other 46.
    I’m just posting on here to see if there’s anyone in Sydney thinking about heading off this month to do regional work and wouldn’t mind a Irish guy join them. It would be nice to travel with another person/group of people.
    If you’re interested, please let me know by posting on here. Cheers :)

Viewing 15 posts - 856 through 870 (of 980 total)