Fruit Picking Jobs Forums Looking for Work Two backpackers looking for work from 12/10/13

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  • #8547
    sean davis

    We are two backpackers who have just arrived in Perth after travelling south east asia for the last two months. We have just started wwoofing on a farm in the Kalamundra hills so will be here for the next two weeks.
    After that (12th september) we are seeking any kind of paid work. Preferably with accomodation on site or very close as we are yet to find our own transport.

    We are 23 and 24 year old males who are both fit and very hard workers willing to work almost any job as we just want to earn some money to help fund our exploration of Australia. Unfortunately we have no real experience in any particular field but are quick learners and always up for a challenge.

    If anyone has any work coming up in the next few weeks please get in touch.


    Thankyou in advance

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