Fruit Picking Jobs Forums Looking for Work Piecemeal worker from N.Z

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  • #5250
    Donovan Graham

    I have done 5 seasons of Stripping and trimming and will be looking for this line of work when it comes in OZ until then I’am looking to help with a harvest, I have also done Apple/grapes picking, wire tucking, stone fruit and vine pruning, Netting, tractor operation, forklift, bottling,packing…..etc!

    I lose my mind working on hourly rate so would like to work on piecemeal but will consider hourly rate given the type of work needing to be done.

    Im a bit of a gun when I get going and am happy to help others get up to speed if I feel they will benefit, very easy to get along with and also good at leading a team.

    Phone: 0401442875

    Thanking you, Donovan Graham

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