Fruit Picking Jobs Forums Find a Picking Buddy Picking fruit buddy


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  • #5584
    Boyd Klerk

    Best travelmates,

    My name is Boyd Klerk, 23 years old boy from The Netherlands.  After traveling for 5 months through Australia/New-Sealand, I’m ready to work.

    I stay now in the area Caboolture (40 minutes north of Brisane). This is the largest area for picking strawberries. The season start within 2 weeks. Therefore I’m waiting and left everywhere my CV. I travel with a another one,  but he’s doing another work in Brisbane City, so I’m looking for a buddy who wants to join me and that we can search together for a picking job. Hopefully we can picking strawberries at the same farm, would me awesome.

    I’m available for 5 months for picking fruit and it’s also for my 2nd Visa.  I’m enthusiastic and spontanious  guy.  Suunds good? send me something:


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