Fruit Picking Jobs Forums Looking for Work looking for fruitpickink in march

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  • #5123
    Melany PERD

    Hi every body! I want to leave Sydney early in March to do fruitpicking (and then travelling)!

    I don’t know yet where, and how to go because I don’t have transport.

    I want to organise that with my future work (and travel?!) partner. So if you are interested let me know!!

    See U!


    Ute Goral

    I too am looking for fruitpicking to start in March…been looking for weeks with no success whatsoever! PANIC!!  Can anyone help?

    Ben Young

    I’m also in the same boat. I’ve been looking for work for ages in Melbourne but gave up to seek farmwork instead, which I’d assumed would be much easier. Apparently not. Hoping to get something in Tasmania as I think the apple season begins in March. We’ll see…

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