Fruit Picking Jobs Forums Find a Picking Buddy In Melbourne looking for a fruitpicking job and possible buddy

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  • #5075
    Tanya Timmers

    Anyone else in Melbourne looking for a fruit picking job in the Victoria/Tasmania area and want to bundle our powers to try and find a job? :) My name is Tanya by the way, I’m 22 years old and I’m from Holland.

    Ronny Bohnert

    Me! Im Ronny, 20 year old German.

    I really want to leave Melbourne and improvemy English with a not German travel mate! If you still want to go-im open for everything, doesn’t Mather where we go :)

    Christophe Reitz

    I’m also in Melbourne ans looking for à job i am 21 years old canadien i’m open for anything ! My email adress is

    Marvin Minaldi

    Hi guys!

    I’m an italian guy, I just moved on Melbourne from Sydney looking for an harvest job, if all of you are still here we can organize a coffee all together to find a good solution moving us as group.

    Anyway my mail is and my facebook account is slevin minaldi. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’er interested to.

    G’day guys!

    Niamh McCann


    Im hoping to leave for Tassie on Wednesday, gonna spend a few days in Hobart then look for farmwork from there. I’ve contacted a few hostels in Tassie and the general vibe is that there isnt work for a few weeks :( but it all kicks off in March. Anyone keen to go on the hunt together? Im a 24yr old female from Ireland, currently in Melbourne. Send me a mail if interested

    Niamh :)

    Andy Hume

    Whats going on people. I’m desperately looking for fruit picking. My Visa runs out the end of June so have to sort something out in a week. Im Andy, 26 from Ireland. Does anyone know of any good places that are hiring now. I’ll be on my own so defo up for making a few buddies along the way. My number is 0449172530 if anyone has any ideas. Nice one!

    Tobias Hellsing

    Hi guys!

    I’ve been in OZ (Melbourne) for two weeks now looking for jobs, no luck so far… I’m now thinking about changing the plan, and start my farm work now instead..! Soo, if anyone want a Swedish male travel buddy to join the farm job hunting, message me or call! :)

    Toby – 0404-200 130


    My name is Zheka. I am a guy from Ukraine.Looking for a fruit picking job and a buddy from July till the end of September.

    Laura Hollinshead

    Hi, my names Laura I’m British, 21 and looking at starting some farm work in Victoria! My emails


    hi i’m 21 and i m a girl from france , i’m looking for a fruit picking job and buddy now !! actually i’m on the gold coast but i can move every where .

    Javier Bazan

    hi guys! Thanks god here are young people!! Im 20, from Chile, i speake german, Spanish and English,

    Im seeking job and a ride!  EMAIL:

    im arriving on 21th April to Sydney, but im open to everything!

    Cheers from Chile

    Sly K

    Hi all,


    I am Sly from Indonesia 44 years old on 28th May 2013 i go to Darwin, anybody can help me ? i want to know exact address Katherine farm.


    my email :

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